Mother earth, Mother of all
You gave us good land, we changed the brand
You gave us good soil, we preferred to spill it with oil
You have a burning desire to shade us
But we destroy you with bush burning
Mother earth, Mother of all
We exploit you without sustainability
Yet you love to take responsibility
You gave us green but we prefer ruin
We end you with our actions and fall back to the UN for aid, forgetting our raids
Mother earth, Mother of all
You gave us honey, we prefer money
You gave us celestial comfort
We prefer industrial comfort
You made us stars, we prefer five star
Mother earth, Mother of all
You gave us forest, we chose unrest
You gave us rivers of Joy
We prefer griever's of tears
You are so good to us, yet we love the woods
Oh Mother earth, Mother of all
Your creations too infinite to be murdered by our finite actions
Do not allow fate grate us for our greedy trait
Do not let our ill deed towards you stop your good will towards us
Accept our plea
Mother earth, Mother of all
Collins Edet is a prospective member of the Nigerian Institute of Physics and a member of the Road Saftety Club.
Words when articulated properly sets his soul on fire and Theoretical/Mathematical Physics is his religion.

Collins is a lover of Jesus,supporter of Feminist, a Physicist in the making ,an academic researcher, a realist and a conservationist.

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